Monday, June 24, 2013


The purpose of this site is to provide the best reviews on humidifiers.  Growing up in a house with dry air I understand the importance and comfort of having a humidifier.  Dry air is not good for the lungs of the body and can effect illnesses such as asthma.  Also having the best humidifier will cut down on static and make your clothes cling free.  Many humidifiers have different features and functions.  For example there are three main types of humidifiers: Cold Mist,  Warm Mist, and Hybrids which can function as either a cool or warm mist.  Sounds like a no brainer to get the hybrid because then you can have the option to change.  This is one of the myths and reason why I made this blog.  There is a lot of thought to be put into buying the best humidifier such as cost, effectiveness, and what the main function of it will be.  If you buy the wrong humidifier you will end up angry that you wasted your hard earned money on something that does not serve the main purpose of your needs.  There will be many reviews posted by myself and reviews according to humidifier sellers.